WordPress Wednesday Tip 32: How to Add a Copyright to the Footer of Your WordPress Site
Reading Time: 3 minutes
With the end of the year quickly approaching, it’s time to start thinking about changes and updates to your site. One change that you need to make is the copyright in the footer of your site. And in WordPress Wednesday Tip 32, we’re going to show you how to do this quickly and easily.
But first – Why is it important? Here are 3 reasons why you should update the copyright on your site.
1. It shows visitors that your site is active, your content is current, and that your site is up-to-date with the latest technology. (PS If it’s been awhile since you updated your website’s content or the technology and software it uses, now’s a great time to do this.)
2. It builds trust with your visitors, customers, and clients because it shows that you care about your site and your business enough to pay attention to even the smallest of details.
3. It offers you a certain level of protection in the event that someone uses your content, images, graphics, logos, code, design elements, etc without your permission. While simply putting the copyright on your site won’t allow you to pursue legal action if someone does steal your intellectual property (you have to officially register with the US Copyright Office to prosecute) it can dissuade would-be thieves.
So, now that you know why it’s important, let’s dive into how to update the copyright in the footer of your WordPress site.
WordPress Wednesday Tip 32: How to Update the Copyright in the Footer of Your WordPress Site
1. From your dashboard, hover over the name of your theme. (We use Divi.)
2. Click on ‘Theme Customizer’. You will be taken to the Theme and Module Customizer, which allows you to make changes to your theme while seeing them ‘live’ from the front end.
3. Click on the ‘Footers’ tab. This will open different areas that you can edit.
4. Click on ‘Bottom Bar’. This will open the Bottom Bar Customizer.
5. Scroll down to the ‘Edit Footer Credits’ section and type the content you want to be displayed on your site in the content box.
6. When finished, click the blue ‘Save and Activate’ button.
Congrats! You just added a copyright to the footer of your WordPress site. Give yourself a big pat on the back!
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