Adding Headings to Pages and Posts in the WordPress Editor
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Heading blocks are placed between sections of text on a page or a post for a variety of reasons. For one, no one likes to look at, much less read, a big ‘wall’ of text. Without headings to break up the text, it looks hard to follow – and dare we say boring? Adding headings also provide insight into the topics contained on the page because readers can quickly scan the page or post to gain insight on the topics included. This allows readers to give the page or post a quick rundown to determine whether or not it’s worth the time to read in depth. Headings also help visitors who are on the page or post who’ve come for a specific piece of information to find it more quickly. Finally, because of the way web crawlers scan web pages, effectively adding headings is good for your site’s SEO.
Adding a New Heading to a Page or Post
To add a heading to a new page or post, click the plus icon in the top toolbar, on the left, and choose the heading block. Then simply place the cursor within the block and type in your header text. Depending upon the structure of your page, you may want to change the default formatting settings. To review and change formatting options, click into the block, which will reveal the hovering toolbar, just above the block. You’ll notice a “T” title symbol there which gives you a visual reminder of what kind of block you’re in. From here, you can also transform the block into something else by clicking on the icon to see your other options.
The next set of formatting icons on the hovering toolbar enable you to change the heading test style and heading level with options from H1 to H6. H1 is the primary header or title of the page. For the sake of both organization and SEO, there should always be only one H1 setting! (Some rules were made to be broken. This is not one of those rules!) H2 headings denote the breaks for the major topics or themes of the page, and H3 through H6 are used for denoting the start of sub levels or subtopics nested under H2 headings.
Adjusting the Formatting of Heading Text
Several more options are available for formatting heading text from the floating menu. The next icon allows you to adjust the alignment of your heading block to left, center, or right. Each heading level, H2 through H6, has a default style, but you can modify them to your liking. You’ll see the next set of icons allows you to change the text to bold or italics. One more option to the right on the toolbar allows you to hyperlink the heading text to a specific URL. The next menu option is a dropdown that includes additional text formatting options, including strikethrough text and super- and subscript. The final option in the hovering toolbar – the three dots – provides you with the options to copy, move, or delete the block.
Advanced Heading Settings
The settings sidebar on the right, which is popped open when you click on the settings gear icon on the top right of the screen, includes the option to adjust the font size and text colors, as well as to place an HTML anchor at the heading. HTML anchors are helpful for longer posts where you might want to include an index or table of contents at the top of a page or post. This allows readers to when users click on a link and be dropped down to the part of the page (where the corresponding HTML anchor is) they’re interested in reading.
Now You Know All Things Headings!
Did you even realize that headings blocks could be so flexible? Just remember, when you get into advanced settings or want to otherwise deviate from the H1-H6 default settings, to be consistent in how you apply the setting to maintain clarity for your readers.