Are You Sending The Right Marketing Message?

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Marketing strategies are only effective if they are sending the right message. You know what your business does and you want to center your marketing around what customers are buying. But are you sending the right message about your brand? Or are you driving your customers away by sending the wrong message?

Show the heart of your brand.

It sounds cheezy we know, but show the public the heart and soul of your company. Show your passion for what you do. If your ad shows how much you love your business then it will catch their attention because your passion shines through. You know how amazing your product/services are. Use your ads to make the customers know too. 

Use your imagination.

Don’t let your ads be just like the other old boring ad ideas. Be creative and think outside the box. People are tired of the same old same old ads and they are looking for something fresh and creative. Use your sense of humor and make them laugh. Ads that touch the heart or make you giggle are the products and services that everyone talks about. Think Budweiser with the puppy and horses or the State Farm or Farmer’s Insurance that keep coming up with funny and interesting situations. 

Be Tasteful

Nothing turns away a potential customer than a tacky or obscene ad. If your main buyers are women you don’t want to create ads that are more enticing for men. Make sure your ads fit your audience and are something that would interest them. Don’t use vulgar language and make sure the ad fits the product. You wouldn’t use an adult scene to advertise for candy for kids, that sort of thing. The saying that bad press is a good as positive press is not true for a business. Bad press can shut your business down. You never want to be known as THAT company. 

In short, the point is to let your brand shine through. Your marketing should show what you and your business is all about. Don’t let your message get lost by trying to be like every other company. Celebrate what makes your business different and show it off! That’s what will get you the attention your business deserves. 

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