3 Common Social Media Struggles Business Owners Face: Solved

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Social Media Struggles

As an entrepreneur, you wear a lot of hats. In any given day, you find yourself playing the roles of service provider, accountant, executive, sales manager, and so much more.  You’re probably also finding yourself in the roles of marketing director and social media manager.  

like most business owners, you likely don’t have time to become a digital expert. You’re too busy dealing with the daily activities of running your business.  


Not to worry, fellow entrepreneurs – we got you covered! Read on for 3 of the most common social media struggles business owners like you face and how you can solve them.


1. Not Knowing Why You’re on Social Media

You know your business needs to be on social media, but what do you want to achieve with your social media presence? Choose one thing you want to accomplish by adding social media to company’s marketing plan and start from there. 

Hint: According to a study from Thrive Analytics, business owners use social media for one of three reasons:

Social Media Goal 1Social Media Goal 2Social Media Goal 3


2. Not Knowing Which Social Media Platform(s) to Use

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn . . . the choices of social media platforms seem endless — and overwhelming!  But the good news is that your business doesn’t have to be on every single one of them.  In fact, the vast majority of companies choose two or three channels and use those exclusively.

Hint: Start with one platform, get comfortable with it, and then add another when you feel ready. For most businesses, Facebook is usually the best option. (Want some help with Facebook? Check out other posts here, and here. Twitter more your thing? Click here and here.)


3. Coming Up With Content

By far, one of the biggest social media struggles business owners face is knowing what to post.  But we’re here to tell you that the sky is the limit!  Remember that while content should always be relevant and useful, it doesn’t have to be (and shouldn’t be) dry and boring. Post a favorite quote, a picture of your team, a link to a great article, or a fill in the blank question to your customers. The key is to start and be consistent in your posting.

Hint: Create an editorial calendar and use a scheduling assistant like Hootsuite to help you stick with it. 


Setting a goal for your business’ social media presence, choosing which social media platforms to use, creating relevant content . . . Managing your company’s social media presence can get more than a little overwhelming! We hope these tips help take some of those feelings away. But remember, we’re just a click away if you need some help.

What social media struggles do you face and how do you solve them? Let us know in the comments below.




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