3 Ways {Not} to Curate Content for Your Twitter Followers

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3 ways not to curate content for your twitter followers

You work hard to provide valuable and useful information to your fans on Twitter.  But there’s a fine line between being helpful and flat out annoying.  And it’s a surprisingly easy line to cross.  Here are 3 ways not to curate content for your Twitter followers. 


3 Ways NOT to Curate Content for Your Twitter Followers

1.  Don’t Read the Articles You Share

Have you ever clicked on a link only to find the article to be poorly written, click bait, or flat out spam?  Talk about a waste of time, huh?  It’s like the source didn’t care enough about you – or their own reputation – to read what they shared.

Curating content is about providing valuable and useful How to curate killer contentinformation to your followers.  And in order for that to happen, you need to review what your retweeting.

 2.  Scroll through Your Feed Clicking ‘Retweet’ with Wild Abandon

We get it. There are 6000 tweets sent every second. That’s a lot of tweets that your business has to compete against, and you certainly don’t want to followers to forget about you.  But retweeting anything and everything that’s in your feed is not the way to do it.  In fact, retweeting too much will actually turn followers off and get you muted (or worse, unfollowered) with a quick click of the mouse.

So just how many of your tweets should be retweets before you become a nuisance? According to Hootsuite, retweets should be no more than 20% of all your tweets.

3.  Don’t Properly Credit Sources

Nothing will get you on someone’s (ahem) list faster than sharing their stuff without giving them props. We know you’re not intending to pass off someone else’s content as your own. We get that you only have 140 characters and their handle is sssooo long. But without properly crediting both the person who created and originally shared the the content, you’re ripping someone off.  Not cool.

Give credit where credit is due when retweeting content. Include the creator’s handle as well as the handle of the person who shared it with you. If space doesn’t permit, choose to quote the tweet. Twitter has simple instructions on how to do this here

In Sum

There are so many great reasons why you should be curating content for your followers. Growing a solid following, building credibility, and providing value to your fans are just a few. But there’s a way to do it — especially on Twitter. But you’ll be a retweeting pro by following these 3 ways not to curate content for your Twitter following.


Have something to add to our list? We’d love to hear it! Leave us a comment below!

And check out our follow up: 3 More Ways {Not} to Curate Content on Twitter

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  1. Anuj thakur on May 6, 2018 at 6:58 AM

    The best tool ever for managing the Twitter is Wizugo [com] and there are no second thoughts about it. After using it for 4 months now, I must say, it has contributed a lot in adding the followers and boosting my earnings too.
    Firstly, it is absolutely amazing investment especially when it comes to the artificial intelligence that it uses to tweet the relevant items, find and show the right content which will be popular with my target audience. And to top it all, the great help it offers in scheduling the tweets automatically and what I need to do is just feed my preferences once a week and it does the rest of the job. I love that I don’t have to create multiple Wizugo accounts to manage multiple Twitter accounts. I can manage them all at one place.

  2. Angela Rose OBrien on February 15, 2017 at 2:53 PM

    Thx Great advice!

    • Theresa Wray on February 18, 2017 at 3:29 PM

      Glad you found it helpful, Angela! Keep an eye out for a follow up in the coming weeks!