Creating Lists in Twitter

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Creating List in Twitter

Now that you are using Twitter, ever feel overwhelmed with keeping up on your news feed?  Struggle to stay active with certain Twitter friends?  Try sorting who you follow into lists!  Here’s how…

  1. Log into your Twitter accountTwitter-Icon
  2. Click on ‘Me’
  3. Click ‘Lists’ on the left
  4. Here you can manage/ create new/ or delete lists!
  5. To create a new list:
    1. Click ‘Create List’
    2. Give your list a name.
    3. Maybe even add a description to remember why you made the list.
    4. Select if your list is Public or Private
    5. Save it!
  6. How to add members (people you follow) to your lists:
    1. Click ‘Following’
    2. Click on the Gear on the follower you would like to add to your list.
    3. Click ‘Add or remove from lists’…
    4. Select which list you would like the follower added to.
    5. Or Create a New List.
    6. Once done click the x to exit that screen!
  7. That’s it!!

Now you can easily group and sort your followers to stay on top of their tweets!

Why would I do this you ask???  Well for Raney Day Design we created lists for the networking groups we are a member of, clients, other marketers, and groups we are affiliated with.  That allows us to easily to stay active with those followers!

What lists have you created?




Jen {Owner and Twitter lover}


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