Give Your Business The Right Logo

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Okay so either you are starting a new business or you are relaunching one. What is the first thing you need? Correct, a logo. Before you start building/rebranding your business, you need to create a company logo. This will set your brand and will determine how your web design will look. Not sure where to start? Well, sit down by us and we will help you decide on your new logo.

Use Bright Colors

Using bright colors has become the new logo trend for 2019. Use colors that catch your eye and that will match your style. It’s just like when people see something shiny, they instinctively look.  Remember, colors tend to spark emotion and that means that you want them to feel a certain way when the look at your logo. Like how red is a power color and blue is a calming color. Maybe even use a gradient. It’s not old school anymore with the way that ombre coloring has come into style. Use several colors to showcase your brand and give it some pizzazz.

Be Versatile

Some logos only look good on a business card or on the website. Design your logo to be versatile so that it can work on anywhere. Maybe use a geometric design or even a prospective design. Those are the cool designs that make it look like they are warping or leading away from you. Top notch companies use this trick to make their logos stand out. It’s definitely something to think about.

Keep It Simple

Another way to make a memorable logo is to just keep it simple. Make something clean and clear. You can use negative space around your logo to accent it. Use a block of white or a dark color to emphasize your logo design.

Whatever your design make sure that it represents you. This is your brand and your business. Make something memorable but stay true to your brand.  It really is your calling card and the first thing people see. Shouldn’t it be it something to talk about?

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