How to Add Users For Your Website

Reading Time: 3 minutes

When you have a website, sometimes you will find the need to add a user to your site. This is an easy thing to do. We will go over how to do this step-by-step


Step 1: Once you have logged into your website, look at the menu to the left-hand side. You will see an option for users. Click that option.

Step 2: This will bring you to the main users scree where all the users for your site are listed. Look at the top of the screen and you will see a button that says “Add User”. Click that button to add a new user.


Step 3: You are now on the screen where you will input the information for the new user. Start by choosing a username. You will use this to sign into the website later. Please note this can NOT be changed later. What you chose is what you stay with. The username is case sensitive so make sure you remember exactly what was typed in. Next add their email address, first name, and last name.

Step 4:  Here is where you have two options. First is that you can choose the password the user will use to login. If you are choosing the password click show password.

Step 5: Once you click show password the screen will change to allow you to type in a password. Once you do that the steps are the same to finish the user information below.


Step 6: If you go with the second option for the password you can leave the box checked for sending the new user an email about their account. This email will prompt them to chose a password. Then you follow the same steps to finish setting up the user. You will choose the role of the user. This will set the permission on what the user is allowed to do on your site.  Once all the information is filled out then click the button that says “Add New User”.

Step 7: Once you click “Add New User” you will be taken back to the main user screen where you will see your new user in the list of users.

Adding new users is a simple step and sometimes is needed once your website is built. You could need a company to do work to your site or you may have hired someone to do your SEO and they need to login to your site. Join us next week when we go over how to create a great headline for your new blog post.

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