How to Change Uncategorized Default on WordPress | Raney Day Design

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How to Change the ‘Uncategorized’ Default on Your WordPress Site

As always, we deal with first things first! Before we get into how to change the default setting for blog posts from “Uncategorized” to something else, you might want to know the reasons why the default should be change. Also, maybe you want to know: “Is this tips really for me?”

Who Is This Tip for?

  • New bloggers.
  • Businesses with a new website.
  • Anyone with a lot of content on their website that’s categorized as “Uncategorized.” (Hint: It isn’t categorized.)

You’re just starting your site or blog or another type of site, you may have some ideas about what your categories of content are going to be. At the same time, there’s probably an element of figuring it out as you go. Plus, as a new site, you may be starting out with some general posts, such as introductions to what you do and your brand. That is, some posts will simply defy categorization, especially early on in your site’s life.

Why Change the Default WordPress Post Category?

When a new person visits your WordPress site and sees that much of your content is labeled as “Uncategorized,” they may be left with the impression that you don’t have it together in some way.  For example, they may think…

  • You are careless and forgot to categorize the content.
  • You are scattered or random. If much of your content doesn’t fit into the key categories for your business, you may be perceived as lacking focus.
  • Your site looks less professional/unprofessional.

You want to knock your site visitors’ socks off in their first impression, so every little bit of “polish” you have on your site helps. Plus, when you change the default from “Uncategorized,” you can make it “work” for your brand by choosing a new word or phrase that aligns with your vibe.

So How DO You Change the WordPress Default Post Category?

Good news! It’s ridiculously easy.

  • Log into your WordPress dashboard.
  • Hover over Posts (or “Blog,” depending upon how your dashboard is set up).
  • Select “Categories” from the menu that appears.
  • Select “Edit” where the “Uncategorized” label appears.
  • Type in your preferred, new label and save.

Change Default Category

What Should You Choose as Your Default Label?

Strictly speaking, it doesn’t matter. You can go with something general like, well, “General” or “MISC.” But feel free to have a little fun with it.

For example, we might select “Umbrella,” as in everything else under the Raney Day Design business umbrella. Go with something that suits your personal or brand personality.

At the End of the Day

There’s no such thing as a perfect website. But every little tweak that makes sense for your brand and type of business you run will make a difference in how you get found online and the impression you make on visitors.

For 5 more actionable tips on how to improve your website and increase your online leads, download our ebook.

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