How To: Schedule Messages using HootSuite

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s no lie, we need help too sometimes.  We understand how working ‘in’ your business gets in the way of working ‘on’ your business.  Especially when it comes to marketing your business online. As in posting messages to your social networks. Remember when we mentioned some of our favorite small business tools?  Those are two great tools we still use today, but there is one we haven’t mentioned that we just love!  HootSuite! Before we give you a quick tutorial on how to schedule messages in Hootsuite, please note this is NOT a paid endorsement or ad for HootSuite.  We just believe if there is something worth sharing our blog provides a platform to do so! 

HootSuite brings all your favorite social networks into one dashboard.  ONE.  Per their home page, they are “The leading social media dashboard to manage and measure your social networks”.  With HootSuite here are the facts:

  • Manage multiple social networks
  • Schedule messages and tweets
  • Track brand mentions
  • Analyze social media traffic
  • 8 million+ satisfied users

They had Raney Day Design at “Schedule messages and tweets”! Take the time and set up your account now.  Once you have it set up and your social networks connected read on to learn how to schedule messages to your favorite social networks.

How to Schedule Messages using HootSuite

  1. Log into the HootSuite dashboard.
  2. Type message into the “Compose message” field in the dashboard


  1. Select which social networks to post your message to by “click to select a social network” left to the “Compose message” field.


  1. To schedule post click on the Calendar icon on the lower right of the open Compose Message box


  1. Enter date, time, AM/PM, and check the box to be emailed when the message is sent. Howtohootsuite4
  2. Double check the message, networks to post to, the date and time.
  3. Click Schedule!

Now go rock your social media messages!



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