How to Size Your Images In Your Blog Post

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Have you ever added an image to your blog post and it’s TOO BIG and takes up too much space, or it’s too tiny and you can’t even see it properly?

Well, we have a quick and easy fix to help you get to the “Goldilocks” size for your images: Just right! Here’s what to do!

Step 1:  Login to your site and click on posts in the left hand menu.

Step 2:  Choose which post your are working with and open the post.  

Step 3:  Once the post is open, click on the image that you want to resize.  An edit box will surround the image and some icons will appear above the image.  Click on the pencil to edit the image.

Step 4:  There will be options for editing your image.  You can choose which alignment you would like, left, right center, or none.  You can add a link to the image which will take your viewer to another place when they click the image.  You can also change the size of the image. Your options will include: Thumbnail, Medium, Large, Full Size, or Custom Size.  For this example we are going to use full size.

Step 5: Once you have made your edits, look to the lower right hand side of the popup and click the blue Update button to save your changes.

Step 6:  Success!  Your image has been resized.   If it is not quite the right size, repeat steps 3-5 to get it just right.  You may have to use custom size if the offerend ones are not the size you want the image to be.

If it is not quite the right size, repeat steps 3-5 to get it just right.  You may have to use custom size if the offered ones are not the size you want the image to be. Having the right sized image can really help boost a post as an image that is too small can cause people to stop reading.  Good luck and we will see you next week for more WordPress Wednesday tips!

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