Keeping Your Content Fresh

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A lot of business owners will create their website and think that is good enough. However, to keep your customers coming back to your site again and again you need to keep your content fresh. This may include adding new content to pages. Here are some ways you can keep content fresh.



Sometimes it can be hard to keep coming up with new content. One of the best ways to say something new is to take advantage of the holidays. You can talk about how your product or service ties in with that holiday. Just remember that adding just one sentence does not count as new content.


Look at your competition

If you are struggling for ideas for content, it can be beneficial to look at your competition’s site. Look at the content they are putting out to give you ideas for content for your site. This will tell you what people are reading.


Ask your readers what they want to see

Customers love when businesses ask their opinion on what subjects they want to read. By doing this you will increase brand loyalty because the customer feels you really care about them and what they want.


Publish blogs and articles

Blogs are a great way to reach your customer base and to create new fresh content. You can publish your blogs weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly. The choice is yours, but the key is to stay consistent. If you publish your blogs at the same time every time, then customers know when to look for them.


Having fresh content on your website is not only a great way to engage your customers, it will help your SEO as well. Remember, fresh content equals more indexing. This means search engines will come to your website more often. Google loves to see fresh content on your sites and it will help to increase your rankings. Next week we will go over how to maximize your call to actions.

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