How to Link to Part of Page in WordPress

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Wow! Can you believe it’s been a year since we’ve been sharing our WordPress Wednesday Tips with you? (We sure can’t!) What do you think? Are you finding them helpful?

Anyway – in our second tip, we showed you how to add links in any post or page. In that post, we shared how to link to a page outside your site, as well as within your site. Linking to external and internal pages is not only great for SEO, it also enhances the user experience by helping them easily find what they’re looking for and showing them other information they might find helpful.

But what if you want a visitor to see something specific on one of your pages? For example, what if what you want them to see is on a long page? Do you just link to that page and hope for the best?


How to Link to a Part of a WordPress Page


No way! You want to make your site as user-friendly as possible and not leave your visitors feeling frustrated. So, this week we’re going to show you how to link to part of a page. It’s officially known as a ‘Page Jump’, ‘Anchor Link’, or ‘Target Text’, but we call it ‘awesomeness’! 


WordPress Wednesday Tip 25: How to Link to Part of a Page


Linking to a specific part of a page is a two step process.

1. The first part of the process includes creating the place on the page where you want your visitors to go. This is known as creating a page jump in WordPress. Sometimes, it’s referred to as creating target text, an anchor link, or an identifier.


2. The second part of the process includes creating a special link that takes them to the page jump/target text/identifier.


We’ll be using this post to show you how. We are going to link the words ‘The second part of the process’ in the above paragraph to the part of this post that starts with ‘Part 2: Creating the Link to the Part of a Page’ that’s further down in this post.


Part 1: Creating the Page Jump (aka Creating Target Text or Identifier)


1. From your dashboard, navigate to the page (or post) that has the part you want to link to.


how to add a page jump


2. Switch to the Text Editor by clicking the ‘Text’ tab. You will now see the page’s HTML code.


can a link to a certain part of a page in wordpress?


3. Scroll through the editor and find the part of the page you want to link to.

For our example, it looks like: <h2><span style=”font-size: 14pt;”><strong><span style=”color: #d41c5c;”>Part 2: Creating the Link to Part of a Page</span></strong></span></h2>


link to part of a page


4. Decide what you want to call the identifier. You can call it anything you want as long you don’t use spaces. Add id=”whatever-you-want-to-call-your-page-part” one space after the heading tag (<h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, or <h6>) or paragraph tag (<p>). Make sure you do not include a space between the closed quotation mark (”) and closing angle bracket (>).

We’re identifying ours as page-jump-example. So it will look like <h2 id=”page-jump-example”><span style=”font-size: 14pt;”><strong><span style=”color: #d41c5c;”>Part 2: Creating the Link to Part of a Page</span></strong></span></h2>


anchored link in wordpress


Now that your page part has been created, you can link to it.


Part 2: Creating the Link to Part of a Page


1. From your dashboard, navigate to the page or post that has the text you want to take people to your page jump. You can work within the visual editor. If you’re not in the visual editor, click the ‘Visual’ tab.


How to link to a specific part of a page in WordPress


2. Highlight the text. Click on the link icon. A mini ‘Insert/edit link’ bar will appear. In our example, we want to highlight the words: The second part of the process


how do i link one part of a page to another part of a page


3. Add the link to the page followed by a hashtag and the identifier you added to the page. When finished, click the blue enter icon. Our example looks like:


link from one part of a page to another


Congratulations! You’re all done! Now when a visitor clicks on the hyperlink, they’ll be taken directly to the part of the page where you want them to go!


Have a question about creating page jumps? Having a bit of trouble creating your link to part of a page in WordPress? Just want to say ‘Hi’?

Leave us a comment below!


And check out a few of other WordPress Wednesday Posts!

Adding Hyperlinks to Posts and Pages
How to Add a Page
How to Edit a Page
Creating a New Blog Post
Editing a Published Blog Post

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