Making the Switch

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Since we opened our doors we have been faithfully using Freshbooks to keep us on top of our invoicing and working with clients.  The time has come for us to take a huge switch.  I feel as though we are ‘becoming’ a grown up since majority of other established organizations use QuickBooks.  Or maybe the business is starting to walk!  Like a child taking it’s first steps.  We’ve been crawling with comfort on the floor beneath us but now it’s time!
For those just starting ESPECIALLY freelancers, you can not, not try Freshbooks.  And here is why:
  • It is affordable!  Let’s face it, sometimes we do have to spend money to make money but this software allows you to MANAGE that money.
  • User-friendly.  When I first started using Freshbooks, I looked for something easy to set up and easy to manage.  It did just that for me.
  • Track your time.  THIS IS HUGE if you are a service provider/ freelancer.  You can set up your contacts, create projects for those contacts, then track the time for the job!  BOOM, turn that time sheet into an invoice and hello pay day!
  • Mobile.  Do I need to add more?  When you are always on the move you need something you can run off of multiple devices.
  • Enough accounting reports to be dangerous.  Just want the basics of your financial picture?  This is for you!  Track your expenses and even add receipts.
  • Accept payments online.  Most clients like this option. It’s fast and easy to set up and you get paid faster!

So why make that switch?  My initial response is, “it just feels right”.  After thinking about it, I’m ready to dig into the numbers behind my business.  This serves as a tool to capture the financial overview.  I want that.

Stay tuned as we migrate!




Jen, Owner and Change Maker 

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