Is your password really safe?

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Lately there has been a lot of buzz surrounding the The Heartbleed bug and which networks were affected.  That has caused questions to arise, “is my password really safe”.  The first thing Raney Day Design would recommend is to read this article.  Then this one.  Next as mentioned,

“Although changing your password regularly is always good practice, if a site or service hasn’t yet patched the problem, your information will still be vulnerable.

Also, if you reused the same password on multiple sites, and one of those sites was vulnerable, you’ll need to change the password everywhere. It’s not a good idea to use the same password across multiple sites, anyway.”

Here is what we recommend: 

  1. Take the time today and make a list of social networking, business tools, blogging sites, etc. that you frequent.
  2. Reset each password from the list.  Keep your passwords in a safe place!
  3. Make sure your password is different for each site.
  4. Add special characters and numbers to your password.
  5. Set a reminder on your calendar to change then frequently!

It sounds elementary to ‘make a list, and reset‘ but sometimes we procrastinate, lose passwords and forget site passwords that our browser automatically logs us in to.  If you are concerned about your online safety above are a few simple and easy steps to keep you safe.


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