Raney Day Talks 03: Relationship Marketing with Joy Klohonatz
In this episode our special guest, Joy Klohonatz drops truth bombs on the VALUE of relationship marketing that can have not only in business but in life.
Jennifer Sakowski
Okay. Hello, we are back with a new episode of Raney Day Talks. I’m Jennifer Sakowski and I have Ms Joy with me today. Hello, I’m so excited to have you here on for those that do not know Joy is a rock star in the relationship marketing industry and Joy. Just tell me a little bit about who you are, what you do and about your business.
Joy Klohonatz
Okay, well thank you Jen. It’s a pleasure to be on here with you here today. You know, it’s awesome. So well, anyways. Um, yeah, goal is relationship marketing. I work with a lot of business owners to help them stay better connected with their clients in a very tangible way. Not so much online but you know, physical greeting card in the mail. Basically I use a platform called send out cards is what I use. But my main goal is to educate and to train business owners and professionals. How important is the stay in touch with your clients? Not on a, this is what I have on sale kind of a thing. But after the sale, you know, even before the sale, make them feel appreciated, make them feel valued, make them feel, you know, more than just another dollar in their pocket. So that’s really what my goal is.
Jennifer Sakowski
That’s awesome. So how long have you been with send out cards?
Joy Klohonatz
I have actually been with him for over 10 years. I started basically just using the system as myself with my other business. I’m in the network marketing business. I was in a direct sales business prior, so I kind of use the system as a typical marketing tools state. Thank you for the, you know, thank you for the home parties. They would have for me used it invitations and everything. But what really turned me around was when I started using the system just as a, let’s just say hello to somebody, let’s just congratulate him for something. Let’s, let’s celebrate them kind of a thing. And when I started doing that is when I started realizing the value of what I had in my hands.
Jennifer Sakowski
Yes. Yeah. And that’s one thing. Okay. For our audience, I, I’ve known, so I moved to Pennsylvania 2012 I think Miss Joy, like if you don’t know Miss Joy, you live under a rock because Joy everywhere, Joy is like when it comes to networking and building relations in business, you’re the first person that pops up because if I’m talking to someone, they’re like, oh yeah, I know Joy ! Joy’s in that group or Joy is there. I’m like, Yep, that’s my, that’s Joy. So I always say like when I grow up, I want to be like Joy because of the fact that you know how to connect with people. Okay. Now do you think it’s, cause I know you were with other organizations before sendoutcards like how is this one different for you?
Joy Klohonatz
Because it is about connecting with people. When you take out the component of it’s all about me and put in the component, it’s all about you. You know, they’re the person you’re talking to. It kind of opens up a whole new world for you. And, and really sincerely understanding what people really like themselves is really a key component. And you can’t do that if you don’t listen. And, you know, and I didn’t do that at first. You know, I wasn’t in the network marketing field is where I’m at. And when I was in my first direct sales company, I didn’t do that. You know, I was Kinda like, okay, you know, I need another party or I need another sale, you know, kind of a thing. You go to networking and so many people look at networking like, okay, what can they do for me?
Joy Klohonatz
And as soon as you make that shift that it’s all about them, what happens for you will come to you. And and like I say, my, my big mind shift was when, when I actually did one time, I’ll kind of back up a little bit when I was using the system. You know, I decided one time during the Easter holiday season there during lent that for 40 days I was just going to send three random cards a day. Just three random cars a day, like thinking about you or you know, congratulate you or a remember, an old time to something that had nothing to do with my business whatsoever. Just totally something about them. And it was fun to do. You know, I would do crazy things like the Wendy’s here in my area would always have their employee of the month on a sign and I would copy their name down and I’d go home and I’d go to my computer and I’d go put a little card together for them and send it to the store saying congratulations.
Joy Klohonatz
And you’d just crazy things when you’ve got that mindset, things kind of pop up in your mind or pop up in front of you. And, but the thing was, I wasn’t prepared for the impact those cards had on everybody. And I literally was getting emails, text messages. I had two people that called me in tears that that card hit their mailbox on the day that they really needed it. And that was my big mind shift that like, okay, I gotta look at this life a little differently here. You know, this is about everybody else, you know, and that’s what none of, that’s when I became an affiliate with my current company. You know, just so I can share this with other people. It didn’t take long to realize how much business owners today need something like that. There’s so much competition out there. There’s, you know, technology has brought everybody together and you can, there’s, you have so much access to everything.
Joy Klohonatz
You know, somebody could Google your business before they even call you to ask for an appointment. So you’ve got to do something different. And that’s what, that’s what our tangible send out cards does for people. So, you know, I’m getting people done and owners to kind of make that shift and understand what relationship marketing is all about is it’s a big winner for them.
Jennifer Sakowski
Yeah, I can, I can, there’s so many things that I want to talk about and we’re just what you just said. So, because, and I also want to talk about you as a business owner, as yourself, but first for other businesses. I
Jennifer Sakowski
I can, I agree. Like I’ve used sendoutcards before and I’m a big fan just because of the convenience of that. Like I could just go online now I know you have an app, but before it was online and I’d have whatever I needed and if I thought of something it could be dropped in there and sent out a card. So the convenience of it. But I love like you’ll take photos like I know how you work, like you’ll go in what Facebook grabbed photos cause you’ve sent them to me. And it’s always like those are the type of cards that I keep. I’m pretty sure if I look around and my key file over here that I have folders of the kids that you’re like, oh like happy birthday or like these two are cute something. But it was something that I just didn’t toss them like most cards.
Jennifer Sakowski
So I think the impact that you have is huge. And for a business owner, like let’s talk about that. Like how, what the best way to connect with potential clients and your current clients is to send them, like to touch them. But what we call them, you know, marketing, whether it’s email or a physical touch or a call or whatever it may be. I know that’s a big component of your strategy, right? Is talking with business. I’ve really promoting to say, hey, how are you reaching out to your people? Can you give us a couple of little nuggets or little trade secrets on how…
Joy Klohonatz
Yeah, I definitely can. And I have several clients that I actually work with where every month you know, they put together a list of their top hundred. Yeah. And a, it doesn’t have to be clients. It could be potential clients. It could be friends, it could be a public figures. I mean, could it be people than in their life, but their top hundred lists and every month we put together an offbeat card and offbeat card in the sense of groundhog day, national chocolate chip cookie day’s coming up on August the fourth just heads up. So just something offbeat and the inside of the card has nothing to do with promoting their business at all. It just has to be like, Hey, happy groundhog day, whether Phil sees a shadow or not, we’re here for you, you know, kind of thing.
Joy Klohonatz
And on the back you can brand the back of your cards with your business if you choose. So those kind of cards and doing that on a consistent basis and not asking for business is huge. And my philosophy when I’m working with a business owner is like, okay, for four months we’re going to do offbeat something that different. And then on that fifth month, okay, you can promote yourself, you know, 80 20 rule. That’s probably what we, we really, we train on that. We teach on that. But 80% of your marketing, if it’s on the personal relationship side and 20% in your traditional marketing that’s gonna make you successful. And you know, and I chose groundhog day because honest to goodness, this insurance agency we’ve been, he’s been working with me since September, so we did like a happy fall card. We did like a Halloween card, a thanksgiving, of course, a holiday.
Joy Klohonatz
And then he did the the groundhog day and he got more traction on that groundhog day card. Yeah. And they just wrote me this nice beautiful testimony the other day because I’m actually training on this at our convention than the couple of weeks. And it was just like a beautiful testimony of what that groundhog day card did for their business, you know, and brought people. So, but the thing is they bought a lot of the people already had policies with this insurance company, but it’s not about them. It’s about how they’re making them feel so that when somebody else needs a policy or somebody else needs an insurance agent, oh, you’ve got to go with my buddy here. You know, you’ve got it. That’s the kind of, that’s the power of relationship marketing It’s not something that happens overnight. It’s not like running the sale and, and you know, and get 20% off. If you come in and see me today, you know, it’s, it’s building, it’s building that rapport and relationships along the way that’s gonna turn around and give them the referrals back.
Jennifer Sakowski
Yeah, it’s a long term game. Like it’s a long term building relationships because like in our, my business, I’m very fortunate to have a like long, we call them legacy clients, you know people that we’ve built relationships and they do come back with you. And those are the ones that you learn the most from, but also that help you grow. Right. I think that’s huge anyway to like to acknowledge them as big. Now I’m assuming you probably do anniversaries, birthday cards. What are some of the other like creative ways? Have you seen that do that.
Joy Klohonatz
Actually, you know, you could do any kind of card you want. I mean our, our, our program has thousands. I mean like tens of thousands of cards in here. You can just choose sign and put it on the way. And by the way, people can do their own signatures and handwriting font. I know a lot of people, you know, they kind of shy away from anything being done online because it’s not personal, you know? Well it is personal. If you can get your own handwriting font and signature in there. And I always tell people too, it’s not, it’s not how the type of the way something’s written, it’s a message on the inside, you know?
Jennifer Sakowski
It’s like you’re taking time to do a unique card to that individual.
Joy Klohonatz
Yes, that’s exactly right. You took the time to do that. Whether it came from a computer, whether it came from an app on your phone, you took the time to do that and you said something personal to them. So, so anyways you’re back to your question on, on, you know, different, different ways. Obviously Facebook is Facebook can be your enemy, Facebook can be your good friend, you know, kind of thing. Me, it’s a huge friend for me because you know, I kind of like set myself up on so many a day that I pull pictures from Facebook, put them in a file and I’m going to be sending a card out there. And it’s usually a simple, simple, simple little card that says, I had the, I had to put this in print for you. It’s frameable, you know, our cards are five by seven, so they go on a five by seven frame.
Joy Klohonatz
So you know, and, and many, many times, I can’t tell you how many times people respond back and say, Oh, thank you for that card. And it’s like, okay, what did I send them? You know, because I just do it. I just do it. I don’t do it. I want their business. I do it because it’s kind thing to do. And you know that when they get that card, you know, I have to tell you a funny story because this just really happened this week. I was scanning down through some photos and I come across this photo from five, six years ago, a group of us when I was with my other company and which even though I use send out cards all the time, I was promoting this other company, you know, and we were on the beach in Puerto Rico and there was like five or six women on these, on these beach chairs and they were all reading the same book.
Joy Klohonatz
And it was, it was 50 shades of gray book. It was just like hysterical. Everybody in the world was reading this book. I, you know, and I just like took this picture of all of the ladies there, you know, kind of a thing. And I come across that picture. So I literally just put it on the card and just had a lot, something I caption of like, you know, Yo, where the memories will go, you know, or that kind of a thing and sent it out to the girls then in that card. Now I have not talked to many of them in five years, you know, kind of a thing. But I know I’m just kind of wait for them to get that card because I know if they’re going to be smiling, they’re going to be laughing. They’re going to be carrying on. And that’s just fun, you know? And by no means you don’t do it just to hear back from people. That’s, that’s kind of like the icing on the cake. When you hear back from people, you know that when they get it, there’s going to be very pleased. And happy and it’s gonna put a smile on your face. So
Jennifer Sakowski
I love your heart in this business because you are such one that just wants to give. And I love like, you know, we take a step back. I get so much better to give than receive. You know what? We’ve talked in that old adage, but I just think like it shows like right here, I mean, look, look how much you’ve grown and all the things that you’ve accomplished. And I just think it’s because you continually give how much can you get and you do it without even thinking about it. It’s just part of, and I know for some of maybe the listeners out there that it is a mind shift in mind set, shift on putting the emphasis on others. And I know for our clients, I pound that into them right now. That’s a big thing right now. That shift in marketing online as well, is that most people are afraid of giving it away or to give me their information or their, their processes or whatever it may be. And no, we’re finding that the more that you can give, the more information, the more helpful that you are, the more your customers will lean towards you because they want to work with somebody who cares. And I know that’s the, that’s the what, the bottom line or the basis of your business.
Joy Klohonatz
Yeah, it is. And you know, and I’ve done different, so yeah, read different studies. You know, that the number one human emotion that people need in world is to feel appreciated and doing something just as simple as that is a sign of appreciation, you know? And, and kindness and gratitude and, and that’s, that’s huge. You know, and it’s interesting, even though I’m in this business and have many affiliates and everybody in this business, when I can a special card like that where they pulled something from me and sending me, I can’t help but to smile about it. You know? I mean, it’s just like really cool that somebody took the time to do that to me. Yes, I do it all the time, you know? But it’s, when it comes back, it’s like, it’s kind of cool.
Jennifer Sakowski
Right. I love that. So let’s shift gears for just a second and we’re gonna pull back from what you do to how you’re doing it as a, as a business owner, as you, as the the head. And let’s talk about you run in the business. If you don’t mind, pull back the curtain for a few minutes and let’s talk about this. Cause you know as Raney talks, it’s where we, I don’t know if you’re drinking, I have a, I have a Dunkin donuts right here. Shout out Hashtag Dunkin donuts. Just have a little coffee talk as business owners. But, so talk to me about when you first got into this business now send out cards. I know, and just being close to you and hearing your commercials, your business networking is that they’ve significantly grown and they’ve changed a lot of what they, how they do it.
Jennifer Sakowski
And so with the app coming out and they really, I haven’t even looked into it, but I know that they’ve streamlined how they send out cards. They’re trying to be more digital and make it easier for people when they’re using it to manage their lists and be able to utilize the system. So for you talk to me about that change and I, I don’t know how you worked with social media and like the online world before and how you marketed yourself, but since being with sendoutcards, let me in a little bit about some of the hurdles that you had to overcome with that system or even just like promoting, how do you get the word out?
Joy Klohonatz
Right, right. Well, yeah, you know, I’ll kind of go back from the very beginning, you know when I did start it, when I started in network marketing as a whole probably on the personal side, the biggest hurdle I had to overcome was myself. I did a lot of comparing. I did a lot of you know, am I as good as that person or, why they’re doing this? Why can’t I do that kind of a thing. So I spent way too much time doing that, you know, to realize, you know, it’s like, you know, if this is me when you’re an entrepreneur, you can’t be comparing yourself. It’s okay to have mentors. It’s okay to look up to somebody and what they do and follow what they do, but don’t get trapped. And in comparing yourself and you know, I’m going to kind of, you know, I’ll go back to my first experience in direct sales, you know, I had all these young girls and they all look pretty, may carry their, their, their designer this and their designer that.
Joy Klohonatz
And I remember saying to myself, that’s not me, you know, but yet I, I knew I could be successful. And there was many times I had to step back and just say, oh, I don’t care. That’s not me. I’m not going to change for what you know, to fit in with, with the norm, you know. But it was in my head, it was all my head, not, you know, is this all my head played those games? Yeah. Kind of a thing. And then, you know, again, when you’re in direct sales or network marketing, you can’t be competitive. You know, you’re not, you don’t want to compete with somebody doing the same thing as you. Because bottom line is I want everybody talking about send out cards and it’s okay if they decide to go with them, I’ll still help because the more people that use it, the more, the more it’s out there and more people are and people aren’t going to do what they want when they want to do it.
Joy Klohonatz
Right. You know? So you just need to be there when the time comes. But stop comparing, you know, and there are many times you know that, you know, even to this day, sometimes when there’s different, like different promotions and stuff going on, I was like, how did they do that? And I can’t do that, you know? Well it’s because it’s your head though. It’s, it’s your head trash. Yes. You know, it’s your stuff going on, keeping you from it. So probably going back, don’t take it personal and don’t compare yourself to everybody else because it’s your game. You know, it’s, it’s your, it’s your business. You have to decide how you want to do it.
Jennifer Sakowski
How did, how did you, you said that you had to get out of your head. How did you get out of your head? Because that’s a, that’s a big part of our marketing and working with online, what’s what we talk about, what is your competitors doing? Let’s look to see what they’re doing, what their best practices and let’s, we do compare, but as a business owner doing the thing, you can’t compare yourself. You can’t because I feel like we talked about Facebook being a good thing and a bad thing. I feel like that’s how social media is because we have this instant access, see beautifully posted pictures, product stage, whatever. And it’s really hard to get out of that mindset. How did you shift your mindset?
Joy Klohonatz
Personal Development, reading, going to personal development seminars and stuff like that. Um, you know, cause you have to find out who you are. You know, and I, one of the biggest things Cody says to us are, you are the founder of our company says you’ve got to find out who you are, who you are so you can give yourself away. And so, so that’s just something that’s actually something I have on my wall, you know, find out who you are, give yourself away. But a lot of personal development, reading and listening to podcasts and stuff like that and plus going to seminars that teach this, there’s so many degrees, so many different ways and there’s so many people. Um, the law of attraction is huge.
Joy Klohonatz
You know, and I was never a big person in the laws, but guess what, you know, they’re real. And the law of reciprocity, what you give out comes to you. I can, I could tell you times that I’ve said that, that has happened to me and I choose change. I shake my head. It’s like damn its right, you know, I mean, cause it does, it just happens like that. So it is a matter of applying, you know, just on personal development on yourself, you know, and, and you can go to ones that get into really deeper if you want to, you know, Kinda thing. And you know, network marketing is an interesting profession because, you know, there’s, it’s, it’s one of the biggest professions out there, but yet there’s only a small percent that make it, you know, and that’s because of the personal development that they don’t take themselves through, you know, and, and become a part of that.
Joy Klohonatz
And I actually, I you one book, which was really huge for me and it was called I’m trying to think of the author and exact name, but it had to do with go for the no, Go For the No. And it’s like, you know, you want to get people to tell you, no, I’m not interested so you can go to the next person. You know, sometimes I run challenges, my team like that. I said, how many nos did you get this week? Because we’re nos as you get the closer you’re getting to your yeses, right? So it’s a mindset. .
Jennifer Sakowski
It’s not a no until they tell you it’s a no. Right?
Joy Klohonatz
Exactly right. That’s exactly right. You know, Kinda thing. But there was another book that I read that really dug in deep on why you struggle in network marketing. And it started asking questions that went way back in your life, you know? And, and I realized my mom was involved in Amway. Okay. Remember as a child, this is a story I can remember as a child, her and her upline getting into this like huge argument one time and my mother quitting.
Jennifer Sakowski
Joy Klohonatz
And it was like that. That was always in the back of my mind. Wow. Competitive, you know, it was a competitive thing.
Jennifer Sakowski
Joy Klohonatz
Cause it wasn’t, you know, and so, you know, it’s funny. So first the personal develop brings us kind of things up so that you can understand yourself better to know how you want to
Jennifer Sakowski
Yeah. To show up, to lead, to connect with other people and how to do it. I agree. I completely agree. That’s awesome. Let’s talk about competitors because I, I speak that as well within my industry because there’s a dime for every dozen web designers, graphic designers, marketers. I mean I could throw a rock, I’d probably hit five. But I, and that’s where like with networking, I took a big step back this year and just tried to like really focus in on the business and ours and just making sure that building the foundation, cause I’m going through like the book called scalability or skill. No, not scalability, like Scaling Up I believe. And it’s so good because it talks about the plateaus and whatnot. And I’m like, I feel it. Like this is real, this is not just me but, but with competitors when I’m going to networking and you start sharing and then they start sharing and you feel like that competition rising.
Jennifer Sakowski
And I just want to shake people. They say there are so many businesses in this county alone, in this little town alone, there’s so much room. And I really try to drive home that my flavor, a little Raney day design. Our flavor may not be the flavor that you’re looking for. So there’s, there’s no need to competition. How can we help each other get ahead. Right. So you’re in the network marketing, like I want to say community or industry, like professional, your profession, that competitiveness is like huge. How are you trying to change that story or that changed that?
Joy Klohonatz
Well, again, you know, there’s enough business out there for everybody. You know, you kinda touched on it, you know, there’s enough for everybody and everybody has their time and everybody is, again, I’ll shift back to where it’s about them and not about you. You know, and I’m think that you probably know the rule that you know, 80% of businesses made after the seventh to 12th contact. So, you know, go ahead and let somebody else see about websites design, go ahead and let that be their number five, right? Like I’m going to be there, you know, I want to, I want to, I want to be looked at as that person when the time comes to make the decision. Again, I’ll go back to what can you do to set yourself apart?
Jennifer Sakowski
Joy Klohonatz
You know, I mean it networking, you know, every networking event that I go to or any seminar I go to, I know when I walk away from there that there’s going to be at least four people that are going to receive some kind of card from me.
Joy Klohonatz
You know? And it’s not going to be promoting Joy. The send out cards, it’s going to be, I enjoyed your speech. You know, I really enjoy talking with you. I want to hear more. I can’t wait to help build our businesses together. You know, hey, you did a great job at registration. Check in everybody in what a great job you to organizing this event. You know, it’s nothing more than that. And if, if people, again get away from you as your business and look at what they’ve just done for you to provide this opportunity for you or the opportunity to meet them for the first time, you could send it to another website designer, you know, and just say simply, you know, hey, I’m really picked up a few tips from you today. You know, kind of a thing. Right. You know, and I mean, and you don’t do it because of a strategy. You just do it because it’s a nice thing to do. But guess what? You are putting yourself in a different place. You are putting yourself in a a different place for reciprocity to be returned to you. You know,
Jennifer Sakowski
I love that you’re in this huge, you go to networking, not too how many people I can talk to you to go back and sell to your, going into how many people who I can bless with a card, how many can I acknowledge them? Yeah, it is mindset. I don’t know. I’ve never heard that. Like you don’t hear that
Joy Klohonatz
And you hear people when they give their commercial thing in their life happened, you know, or some reason you could, you, there’s times you can pick up on that. It just simply like, hey, I really enjoyed hearing your story. You know, I really enJoyed, you know, I mean, just something there, there is, when you have that mindset, there are many times, many times I get myself all upset because I haven’t sent enough cards out. You know, because I’ll write down different things that I want to reach out to this person to reach out this person. I want to thank them for this. I want to acknowledge that kind of a thing. And you come back and you, you just, you just, it’s like, that’s like on the weekends. I really spend a lot of time on my weekends when I have downtime, you know, like catching up.
Jennifer Sakowski
Yeah. Yeah. But it makes such an impact. I mean, and it’s proven because look how awesome you are rocking it and the company.
Joy Klohonatz
Yeah. Well thank you. It’s, it’s those laws that I never thought existed really exist. They do. It’s kind of like if you go through the drive through and you buy somebody lunch behind you or a coffee or something behind you, you do that enough times, I guess, why it’s going to happen to you, you know? Yes. When you just feel like 100 bucks, you know? Yes.
Jennifer Sakowski
Tell me, because one of the things that I like to talk about is the fears that hold us back. Do you have something that you be like, Yup, like I had to work through this to get to where I’m at because you put yourself out there a lot and there’s a lot. I feel you have to be very … Vulnerable. Right. And so I just, I see, I wonder, cause in my mind, like you, you do all this and you’re just a rock star and you just keep on strutting and there’s nothing that’s going to hold you back. But I have to ask, has there been anything in business that you’re like had the overcome or a hurdle that you had to face?
Joy Klohonatz
Well, yeah. Yeah. Like I said, they, the, you know, taken it personal is really hard. You know, a strong person can say something to me in such a way that I’ll have the, I’ll be taken back, you know, and I’ll question, I’ll question myself, you know, because I’m not a confrontational person. I’m more of a peacemaker and so when somebody confronts me on something personally that maybe I did, you know, or something I may have said that was taken the wrong way or stuff like that I do have to step back and not try to defend it until I’ve thought it through, you know, because you’re, your immediate defense is to fire back, you know, and that’s not always the right thing to do. You know, it’s kind of, I got this like smartwatch and it makes me breathe every so often, but it’s also taught me, it’s also taught me that in a case like that, take a deep breath, you know, take a deep breath before you respond back.
Joy Klohonatz
That’s, you know, of a thing. And I think sometimes too, you know, you don’t, I don’t hear it so much now because I’ve tried to like overcome this with myself, but sometimes you hear so and so said this, you know, said you hear a third party, what somebody said about you, you know, kind of a thing. And while you know how third party stuff is, you know, I mean, you can’t, you’ve got to take it with a grain of salt anyway. Right. You know, kind of a thing. But at the same time, you know, it’s, it’s sometimes hurtful. And you just have to kind of like . Understand that everybody has a good day, everybody has bad days, you know, everybody might interpret this way, might not interpret that way, you know? And I will do what I can to make the interpretation the way it was intended. You know? But sometimes that’s hard. Sometimes it’s, you know, that’s probably my biggest, my biggest that I, that I work with for myself.
Jennifer Sakowski
I can’t help to acknowledge that because you do all the personal development that you’re more self aware and have the tools to work through that.
Joy Klohonatz
Right. Right, exactly.
Jennifer Sakowski
I feel like this episode needs to be on that challenge. Yeah. And how are you working through, because I think it’s important. Yeah. Just like you said, it’s how you show up and you’re able to build those relationships more effectively. Basically, or able to handle those situations. That’s awesome. Yeah. Awesome. Well, I have just one more thing that I’m just curious. I’m personally just curious about, because I’ve been really big on high performance habits and working through like that daily intention and I can’t help but to think that Miss Joy has their daily habits or some things that she has to start her day off with to get herself ready for the day because you send out a lot, right? You send out a lot of Joy. Yeah. And, and so what, what do you do to fill yourself up? Well,
Joy Klohonatz
It’s funny, I probably can do much better at this, but I will tell you that’s a terrible habit that I have. Very terrible habit. I try to keep my phone away from me when I’m in, you know, in sleeping or in bed or whatever. But I will in the mornings, roll over, grab my phone and I will start scrolling Facebook and I will at that point save photos, you know, of different things I see people going on that I want to send a car to and I will send the cards right then and there, you know, so many of the cars come up before I’m even out of bed and showered in the morning. That’s really not such a good habit. But anyways my daily habit, you know what I do try to do with social media, I have the 50, 20, 10,5 rule.
Joy Klohonatz
And I do like to like if at least 50 people in the course of a day on Facebook. I do like to in comment at least 20 times in that Facebook and 10 times I try to engage, you know, like even take them offline into something personal. And then, then there’s a five times I sent at least five cards a day. It’s usually much more than that. But I kinda like, I kinda know that when I’m on Facebook, it’s like I need to, I want to go through and kind of keep that in the back of mind. I don’t count them, you know, but I know that, you know, I do that, but my, my downfall is I really need to designate times of the day to do that. I find myself, like when I’m done today, I’ll probably like flip right that Facebook and kind of go down a little bit and then go do something else.
Joy Klohonatz
You know? And I, I think if I block my time better, I would be more productive. But, you know, but that’s, that’s really what I do and try to do. We also, I also have a blog that goes out every Friday morning on relationship marketing and I add people to that on a, on a consistent basis, you know, ask them first of course, and then add them. And so I know that, you know, my, my thousands of people are getting my blog every week or every week. And, and that’s something I consistently do. And then of course on Mondays I do a consistent motivating Monday, you know, facetime live, you know, this kind of like I kicked that off last year and it’s like I was only going to do it per year.
Jennifer Sakowski
Joy Klohonatz
I’m still doing it. So yeah, it’s all good .
Jennifer Sakowski
And it’s good too. On the receiving end. It’s good.
Joy Klohonatz
Yeah, I’m trying to get more engagement with it, but but yeah, yeah, but it’s just doing it, you know.
Jennifer Sakowski
Joy Klohonatz
It is the Facebook Live. I tell people all the time, I said, just got to go do it. Just try it. My first time I spent 20 minutes making sure I had the right colors on and the light was right and it’s like, why, you know?
Jennifer Sakowski
Yes, yes. Oh I didn’t, I just say before Joy got on with me and we’re kind of like, I was just given a prep of what we’re going to be discussing or kind of how the flow goes. And it’s this as a very open and casual podcast cause I like to see it as a business talk.
Jennifer Sakowski
But a part of it was I said, we’re just going to have imperfect action. We’re going to take, we’re just going to take action. It’s not going to be pretty for y’all know, my first episode, my microphone was upside down. So we’ve, I definitely feel we’ve come a long ways in this episode, even just being the first handful. But I agree you sometimes you just have to hit record, hit record and learn from it because it’s a starting point.
Joy Klohonatz
Yup, exactly. Exactly. Jen, you know, and talking with you here today, it’s so exciting to see you doing these podcasts. I am sure they’re going to be very successful. You know, you and I do go back a few years when you first moved into this area and we kind of like put arms around you and, and you know, but watched you grow and it’s been fabulous watching you grow. So very excited to be here and be on this side of you.
Jennifer Sakowski
Yes. Thank you so much for that. Yeah, it’s, I love it. I, for all, you don’t, I haven’t even mentioned this, that I’ve met Joy through a local networking group called women in business or I’m sorry. Yeah. WBN. Oh my goodness. Like that chapter, our Laurel highlands chapter is still all like my mom’s because I, a little background, I moved from the state of Indiana to outside of Pittsburgh, so that’s like 350 miles that I moved my business and I did some serious hustle to see if it was going to take off here from where I launched it. And I got in with the WBN and ladies, they’re still like my mom’s like, just I, I think I, I mean, and it helped grow my business, but on a personal level it helped me just have that connection, that group of women that I can tap into of all walks of life of all ages. So that was huge blessings. Yeah. So it’s been fun that to continue this relationship with you Joy.
Joy Klohonatz
Yeah. Yeah. It’s, it’s been pleasure and now we’re, we’re working together with Inspired Women Paying It Forward. So that’s like been a lot of fun with that.
Jennifer Sakowski
Yeah. Oh, okay. Real quick. Can you share about that? Because I personally, I’ve been looking to get to know more local non-for-profits in the area and I’ve been trying to set additional money. I’m a big believer of tithing. I’m big believer of contributing and giving and and so when Joy started talking about this inspired women, I thought, oh like that’ll be neat because I get to know other non-for-profits in the area that I may not hear about. I have been so blown away by the impact that that has had and just a small part of just me showing up and being able to vote on that has had, so can you put a little plug in for Inspired Women.
Joy Klohonatz
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Thank you for this. Inspired Women Paying It Forward where we are a philanthropic group of, it’s called basically giving circle if you’ve heard of giving circles before, which are like in the last six years have just like quadrupled, you know, in popularity here in the United States. But basically it’s a collective group of women that come together to, you know, give to particular nonprofits the way ours works here in this area. Which we are the third chapter that started. It’s been going on for four years. Started it up in a Cranberry area by Debra Dion Krischke. And you know, expanded into the south. Kym Gable from KDKA News runs that one. And then I started one here and over here in Westmoreland county last year. And basically what we do is we meet four times a year. And by the way, this suddenly benefits women and girls.
Joy Klohonatz
So we provide a place for women to come together and in that hour happy hour of networking, what we do is the members nominate the nonprofit. They have to be a 501c3 nonprofit and to benefit women and girls twice a year we do a local nonprofit twice a year we do a global or international nonprofit and you come in, you nominate what nonprofit you would like to be considered at six o’clock, literally out of the basket. I will choose to three and those three people, those three nonprofits have five minutes to pitch their nonprofit. Usually they know they’re being nominated so there’s somebody there to represent, but if not nominating person can speak on their behalf. So they literally for five minutes talk about what their nonprofit is, what this money would benefit for them and you know what it would go to and that type of thing.
Joy Klohonatz
After that, the members literally vote on which one of those three they would like their money to go to. The pledge everyone has is that you’re going to be pledging $100 per meeting $400 a year. And after the voting takes place and we have chosen someone, basically everybody writes their a hundred dollar checks to that nonprofit. So, and it happens in an hour. Just totally happens in an hour. So, right. You know, I mean, right between the three chapters, and this has been going on in this area for four years, over $170,000 has been donated. That’s awesome. The profits had benefit women and girls now on, on Jen’s behalf. And what you were saying, you become knowledgeable about these nonprofits. Yes. You’ll obviously, there’s many in our area alone that you didn’t even know existed and how you can help them. But then on the global and national level, on international level, it’s, it’s, it’s heartwrenching isn’t it to to hear how, how women are treated in other countries and what, you know, you, we here, I’ve got a means to help them in some way to become better, you know, better educated basically in a lot of these other countries.
Joy Klohonatz
So, but yeah, we only meet four times a year in this area we needed Antonelli Events Center and October 16th, I think as I next one, Oh I know October 15th, Wednesday, October 15th. So for more information on that you know, contact me, you know.
Jennifer Sakowski
Yeah. And we’ll put that link in the show notes for sure, because I just love it. And it, it’s a no brainer, cause not only, it’s not just receiving something in the mail or an email asking for help. You sit there and you hear their story and you hear their struggle and what this money’s going to, it’s a no brainer.
Joy Klohonatz
You’re getting my money, really, let me help. What can I do? Just cause you’re… It’s so raw and being firsthand hearing their story. Yeah.
Joy Klohonatz
And even though that not everybody can win, you know, only one wins each quarter. They could come back another quarter. But those other people have had the ability to give people exposure to their nonprofits. Now you’re knowledgeable, you know, now you have it if you want more information just to help them directly as you know. But it’s, it’s scary to hear some of these things that are going on even on our back door, but it’s mind boggling to understand what other people go through, you know? And we have the ability to provide a space to help.
Jennifer Sakowski
The words right out of my mouth that we have the ability to help, whether it’s by volunteering or by, you know, being able to donate.
Joy Klohonatz
Yeah. Yeah, exactly.
Jennifer Sakowski
Awesome. I like, there’s so many truth bombs in this talk and I think I just thank you so much for joining me in just sharing a little bit about your story and you and business and how you’ve overcome that and developed yourself personally and how that has been a huge discussion topic. I want to say if you do want to hook up with Mrs Joy, her website is carewithJoy.net and I do encourage you, if you are someone who is looking for a way to connect with your, not only your current clients but your potential clients and just people in general family there. So I know when I was using it, I use it for birthday cards and I use it for anniversary cards and sending gifts. We didn’t even touch on that of all that you can actually send.
Joy Klohonatz
Yeah, absolutely. You know, and I talk about the business side for relationship marketing, but on the personal side, if you want to become, you know, if you want to be that better person, you know, this is the perfect system for you. It doesn’t have to be a business. And by the way, that link, when you click on that, you can actually send a free card on me too.
Jennifer Sakowski
Awesome. I said we’ll definitely check that out and Joy once again, thank you so much for joining us today on my podcast and I look forward to talking with you again in the future.
Joy Klohonatz
Always Jen and your sweetheart. Thank you.
Jennifer Sakowski
Thank you. Bye. Bye.
Connect With Our Guest
Joy Klohonatz, Send Out Cards
Website: www.carewithjoy.net
Instagram: www.carewithjoy.net
Company: https://sendogo.com/
Thank you to our Sponsor
A huge thank you to Mark Levander of Mark Levander Productions for sponsoring season one of Raney Day Talks. It truly is because of Mark that we’re able to put these podcasts in our YouTube channel and a lot of our videos and load the animations together. So, if you’re interested in launching your own podcast or need work with photography or videography, please contact Mark through MarkLavanderProductions.com.