Refer a Friend and receive $100

Referral Program

It’s no secret our company has grown because of referrals from clients, friends, and families.  We are grateful for every time someone has mentioned Raney Day Design therefore we’ve created this referral program.  This program is designed specifically for our friends and clients.

Spread the word. Tell your friends, family, and colleagues about Raney Day Design.  If they sign-up for a new website, care plan, or marketing service, you will receive a $100 check.  No links to click, money to transfer, no strings. It’s that simple!

How it Works

Whenever you refer a friend have them mention your name. Once the referral is onboarded and has made their initial deposit for their services you will receive a $100 check in the mail. If you accumulate $600 or more in referral fees in a calendar year, we will send you 1099 at the end of the year.

Fine Print

The referral must be a new client. You cannot refer your own company or business that you work for or own. One referral fee per new client sign-up. Referral fees are not based on the referrals project fees. Referral must sign a contract or start service within 90 days of initially contacting us to be eligible to be considered for the referral program.