WordPress Wednesday Tip 15: Resetting Your WordPress Password

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As a busy entrepreneur, you make every minute count.  So this morning when you took the kids to library for book circle, you jumped on one of the public computers to work on your next blog.  But once you got home, you realized you forgot to log out of your site.  Oh no!  Now your website’s open to thieves and hackers!  Not to worry!  Resetting your WordPress Password is a snap if you follow along with our WordPress Wednesday Tip #15.


Ok!  Let’s get started!


WordPress Wednesday Tip #15: Resetting Your WordPress Password


1.     From your Dashboard, hover over ‘Users’ and click ‘Your Profile’.  You will be taken to your ‘Profile’ page.


WordPress Wednesday Tip 15: Resetting Your WordPress Password


2.     Scroll down the page to the ‘Account Management’ section.  Click ‘Generate New Password’.


WordPress Wednesday Tip 15: Resetting Your WordPress Password


3.     An automatic password will generate.  You can choose to show or hide the password by clicking the button to the right of your new password.  You can also create your own password by typing in the password box.  As you type, the bar below the password will show whether your password is ‘Very Weak’, ‘Weak’, ‘Medium’, or ‘Strong’.

***Note:  It is good practice to choose to ‘Log Out Everywhere Else’, so no one can access your website from a public computer that you might be logged into.


WordPress Wednesday Tip 15: Resetting Your WordPress Password


4.     When you are satisfied with your password, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the blue ‘Update Profile’ button.


WordPress Wednesday Tip 15: Resetting Your WordPress Password

Were we right?  Wasn’t securing your site by resetting your WordPress password a breeze?  

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