Show Off Your Style
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Your website style says a lot about you and your business. Just a few simple elements can make your brand dazzle or it can make it can turn people away. It’s amazing how something as simple as style can make or break your brand. Let’s look at your style and make sure your style is…well, stylish.
It may seem crazy but the type of font that you use can make you memorable and you don’t want it to be a bad memory. Use something that is unique but easy to read. Think of the New York Times. When you see that font you know exactly who it is. Don’t be afraid to be different. Use a variety of font sizes will help direct the flow of your site. Just like we use a larger font on our blogs (just like above) to show each new topic.
This is a visual world and people love videos. The best way to showcase your business is in videos. Create something special that can play as a commercial or even as a background for your website. The movement will get their attention and keep it. A great video will keep people talking about you and really get your name out there. Then you can share your video on social media channels and reach even more customers.
Hero Images
I know, you are asking what a hero image is. Well, that’s the large image found at the top of a website. Having a big and bold hero image will make memories, trust us. Add text to the image and you can keep their attention and get them shopping. Just like videos the bold and bright images will boost your brand and show what your business is all about.
When deciding your website style you want to make sure it matches you and your business. It should accent your brand, not take away from it. Just be yourself and let your business, and your brand, shine and speak for itself.