Social Media :: YOU CAN!

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Last night I had the privilege to speak at the Women’s Business Network, Inc.‘s Leadership Training.  The hot topic that I was asked to speak on was Social Media and how to be effective using it to grow a business’ online presence.  This is probably one of my favorite topics to present on,well that and pretty much anything to do with Marketing, Social Networking, Blogging and the like.   My objective for the evening was to inspire these fabulous ladies that they CAN use social media to grow their network.  Almost every day I run into someone that gives me the “I just don’t get it” response to social media.

Guess what?!?!  I don’t care who you are, your education, your background or what you do… You can use social media to grow your online presence.

You CAN get it.


First, identify what is it that is holding you back from using social media in marketing your business online?   Maybe you think you don’t have time to post and respond to comments.  Maybe you think you can’t learn how to use Facebook (twitter, pinterest, etc.).  Or is it the fear of putting yourself out there online? Or are you wondering, “who really would follow you“?  Guess what? It’s normal to feel that way.  The great thing about identifying what is holding you back is that you know what your working with!  Now let’s do something about it.

Second,  deal with it!  If you are business owner, chances are you got into business because you loved doing what it is you do.  You love the need you fulfill, the services you provide or the freedom of working for yourself.  Right?!  You have a lot to offer based on your experiences, knowledge, education, background, and the services/products you provide.   People buy from you because of it.   That leads me to believe you have something to share online about your business… you have something to MARKET.   So SHARE IT!!   You now know what it is that is holding you back, next take the new understanding and deal.  You think no one will follow you?  Well, if people are buying from you, you already have a following.  Think you don’t have the time to use social media, schedule in your calendar, set a reminder, and make it happen.  Make it matter, because if it matters to you, you will find a way to DO IT.   See the trend here?  No excuses!

Next, get busy and claim your handles (and I don’t mean those love handles…) Your handle is what comes after the .com…;; etc.   Even if you are not ready to fully utilize the social network still claim your handle.  Like domains, common names get claimed quickly.  Just make sure to stay consistent with your handles.  You want to make sure your potential customers can easily find you.

Lastly, now POST!  Post an update to Facebook, Tweet a picture of your latest product, Share a video to YouTube.  Just start.  The more you are actively using a social network the easier it will be to work it into your schedule.  I suggest start with Facebook.  It’s a great platform to begin with!

Oh and one more thing, It’s ok to ask for help!  ‘Google‘ tutorials and even search YouTube for “How-To’s”.
Here is a few helpful links to the top social networks:

And of course you can always contact Raney Day Design for help too!

Now get busy and Be Social!



Raney Day Design Owner and Social Media Cheerleader

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