The Power of Google Analytics

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I’m sure you have heard everyone say you need to make sure you have Google Analytics installed on your site. But do you know what it does or why it’s so important? Let’s look a little more in depth at what Google Analytics can do for your business and your website.

Google Analytics is a digital marketing tool installed to your website that gives you valuable information about who is coming to your site, where they are coming from, and what they are doing. We are going to go over four main powers of Google analytics and what they mean to your business.

Where Your Visitors Come From

One thing Google Analytics (or GA from here on out) does is tracks how many visitors come to your site, what they are doing, and where they are coming from. It’s important to know your site’s traffic numbers. It tells you how popular your site is. GA also tells you what these visitors are doing on your site. It will track page views as well as keep up with your bounce rate. Knowing this information helps determine who your target audience is.

How Did Your Visitors Find You?

One key thing GA also tells you is where your visitors came from. Did they follow a paid ad, do an organic search, or are they coming to you from social media? This tells you what marketing strategy is working to know where to put your marketing dollars.

What Web Browsers Did Your Visitors Use?

Knowing what web browsers your visitors used will help you determine which browsers you need to focus on. A large percentage of people use Google but there is also Bing, Yahoo, and others. This information allows you to be sure your website is optimized for those search engines and follows the SEO guidelines those engines require.

What Keywords Are Your Visitors Using?

Knowing what keywords to focus on is a major piece of information. Keywords are the words or phrase that people use to search out any given topic on the internet. If you don’t use the right keywords, chances are you won’t show up when people search out your product or service. GA will help you narrow in on the keywords people are using to help ensure you will show up in their searches.

Google Analytics is a powerful tool and does much more than these four points. It’s a free service, all you need is a Gmail account. Just go to to sign up and get more information about everything that Google Analytics can do for you. It’s that simple. Come back next week when we go more into discussing Keywords, what they are and how to use them.

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