How to Turn Social Sharing Counts On and Off in Monarch

Reading Time: 3 minutes

You know that whether you have a personal or business blog, its success largely depends on how many people actually read it. As a result, you make sure you promote it on your social media channels. But are there other ways to grow your blog’s audience? Absolutely! One easy way to build your following is to make sure social sharing buttons are on every blog post.


How to Turn Social Sharing Counts On and Off in Monarch


Most social sharing buttons automatically display the total share counts for each respective network. And this is a great way to build credibility and show social proof. However, if your blog is still relatively young and has a smaller audience, you may not be getting as many shares as you’d like.

So are you doomed to show the world that blog posts aren’t getting any love {yet}? Not all all! Most social sharing plugins let you hide share counts! And in WordPress Wednesday Tip 35, we’re going to show you how to turn social sharing counts on and off in one of the most popular social sharing plugins, Monarch.

WordPress Wednesday Tip 35: How to Turn Social Sharing Counts On and Off in Monarch


1. From your dashboard, hover over tools.


Turn Social Sharing Counts On and Off in Monarch


2. Next, click on ‘Monarch settings’. You will be taken to Monarch’s settings page.


Turn Social Sharing Counts On and Off in Monarch


3. On the left hand menu, you’ll see several options to set up and format your social sharing and social follow icons. Click on the type of social sharing position you are using. You’ll be taken to that position’s configuration settings.


 Monarch social sharing options


4. Scroll down the page to the ‘Display Settings’ section. Check or uncheck ‘Display Share Counts’ depending upon whether you want to show them or not.


how to change social sharing options in wordpress


5. You can also hide counts on networks until a certain number is reached on that network. To use this feature, enter the number into the ‘Minimum Count Display’ option.


how do i turn off social share counts in wordpress


6. Additionally, you can show a total share count across all networks by selecting the ‘Display Total Shares’ option.


Turn Social Sharing Counts On and Off in Monarch


7. Finally, you can allow followers to share your post to all available networks by selecting the ‘Display ‘All Networks’ Button’.


wordpress social sharing options

monarch social share buttons


8. When you’re finished, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the blue ‘Save Changes’ button. To see your changes, refresh your screen and view one of your blog posts.


Turn Social Sharing Counts On and Off in Monarch


And that’s it! You now know how to turn social sharing counts on and off in Monarch! What reasons can you think of for wanting to turn social sharing counts on and off in Monarch?


And speaking of sharing . . .

If you found WordPress Wednesday Tip 35: How to Turn Social Sharing Counts On and Off in Monarch helpful, share it with your followers!


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  1. dnraju on June 13, 2018 at 3:55 AM

    thank you for share.