What’s With The Bounce

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Every business wants their site to do well. Sometimes things can be a little off, which can make people leave your site quickly. This can seriously affect your bounce rate. The higher the bounce rate, the more you know something isn’t working.

So what is a bounce rate?

That’s a great question. In a nutshell, it’s the number of people that are leaving your website quickly without doing anything. It could be that they just looked at the home page and needed other information. Basically, they didn’t click on anything or go to another page. It’s also a measurement of how quickly someone leaves. They may have been there a few minutes or they may have left after a few seconds. This could mean that your site is slow to load which makes people impatient and leave quickly.


Why should I worry about my bounce rate?

Honestly, why wouldn’t you? The higher your bounce rate, the less likely you are going to get people to purchase. If they are not doing your call to action, like signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase, then your conversion rate will be lower. All the aspects of your Google Analytics reports tie into each other.


What can I do?

Very simply just look over your website. Check your page load speed. If it is taking too long to load, that means you have some element that is slowing you down. Also, do some testing and see what appeals to customers. Get some second opinions on your design. It could be that your site is just outdated and needs a face lift to get you back in the game.


Your bounce rate is a very important part of Google Analytics. Knowing how people react to your site can help you design your website to maximize conversions. If you don’t realize there is a problem, you can’t fix it. Make changes and watch your bounce rate to make your conversion rate soar. We will talk more about your conversion rate and what it means next week. See you then!

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