WordPress Wednesday Tip #3 – How to Schedule Posts

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Now that you are into your WordPress dashboard and following along with our #WordPressWednesday tips let’s talk about a very helpful tool that WordPress provides… Post Scheduling.

[Insert cheers and confetti here]

We just love this feature.  Researching, writing, editing, proofing and then posting is a lot of work when you blog.  It is equal or harder to maintain a consistent blog presence.  RDD understands because we had to work at it as well.  One key tool in our arsenal of blogging weapons is planning ahead for blog posts and then scheduling them out.

Here’s out is works.  We take several months out and write out when we want posts to be published.  Then we brainstorm topics or list out ideas that we want to cover.  From there it is a matter of research, drafting posts and creating graphics.  Once a post is ready to publish we use the following steps to schedule them.

#WordPressWednesday Tip #3 – How To Schedule Posts


  1. Log into WordPress dashboard
  2. Create a new post.
  3. Once your post is ready to be scheduled then locate the Publish section typically to the right of your blog title. WordPress Wednesday Tip #3 How To Publish Posts
  4. Click “Edit” next to ‘Publish Immediately’.WordPress Wednesday How to Publish Posts
  5. Here you can set the date and time to be published.
  6. Click ‘Ok’ when done.
  7. Notice the blue “Publish” button now says “Schedule”?  Click it when you are ready to schedule your post. WordPress Wednesday Tip How to Scheduled Blog Posts
    NOTE: You can also BACKDATE your posts if you want to show consistency in your posting!

Remember to “Preview” your post before Scheduling.

You might be wondering what happens to your scheduled posts.  Once your post is scheduled you can still edit it and review it any time.  Just hover over ‘Posts’ from the left menu and click on “All Posts”.  Here is a list of all your posts, drafts, published and/or scheduled.  Notice posts will say, ‘Scheduled’ under the Title and Date.

WordPress Wednesday Tip #3 How To Publish Posts

We really encourage our clients to create a posting schedule and stick with it!  Blogging is a great way to show your audience you are the expert in your field.  Not to mention, it helps attract new visitors to your site.  Be consistent by scheduling out your posts!

Let us know how this changes your post planning process!

By the way, if you haven’t seen our previous #WordPressWednesday Tips click below:

#WordPressWednesday Tip #2: How to add links in any post or page
#WordPressWednesday Tip #1: How to insert a picture into a post or page

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