WordPress Wednesday Tip #6 – Managing Comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This week’s WordPress Wednesday Tip #6 -Managing Comments provides a quick overview of your “Discussion Settings” and how to (you guessed it) manage your site’s comments.  If you are a WordPress newbie you may be thinking, “You said this post was about managing comments.  What does Discussion Settings have to do with it?”.   Think of comments as the users’ way to discuss your post or page with you, the author of the site.  You, the author of the site, have options when it comes to allowing comments, how they appear on your site, how often your are notified and so on.  Let’s take a look at where to find those settings.


WordPress Wednesday Tip #6 -Managing Comments


  1. First log into your WordPress dashboardWordPress Wednesday Tip #6 - Managing Comments
  2. Hover over ‘Settings’
  3. Click ‘Discussion’


Here, on this screen, is where you can change how a user (someone who views your site) interacts with your page or posts.  How you modify these settings is strictly based on your preference and needs.

WordPress Wednesday Tip 6 Managing Comments

As you can see from the image above our goal is to promote communication and encourage users to comment without too many hoops to jump through.  If you haven’t already make sure you are getting notified when a new comment is added to a post.  Check the post next to, “Anyone posts a comment” under the “Email me whenever”.  Second, decide if you plan to moderate your comments or not.  If you do want comments to be approved before appearing on your post see the settings under “Before a comment appears”.  Here you can select that the “Comment must be manually approved”.  Make sure to save any changes by clicking the blue “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the screen.


Next, let’s quickly look at how to REPLY to a comment.


Navigate to your WordPress dashboard.  Locate the “Activity” box.  Here WordPress lists your ‘Recently Published’ posts AND your ‘Recent Comments’.  Any comments that appear to be highlighted are new to your site.  To quickly respond, hover over the comment and click ‘Reply’.  A ‘Reply to Comment’ box opens allowing you to reply directly from the Dashboard.

The second option to reply to comments is clicking ‘Comments’ from the navigation menu.  This compiles all of your comments across your site allowing for easy management.

If you have found our post on Managing Comments helpful please comment below!


By the way, if you haven’t seen our previous #WordPressWednesday Tips click below:

#WordPressWednesday Tip #5 – How to Edit Permalinks
#WordPressWednesday Tip #4 – How to Add Featured Images

#WordPressWednesday Tip #3: How to schedule posts

#WordPressWednesday Tip #2: How to add links in any post or page
#WordPressWednesday Tip #1: How to insert a picture into a post or page

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