WordPress Wednesday Tip #8 – Using Screen Options

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This week is a real treat (no tricks here!)!  Ever wonder what “Screen Options” did?  You may have never even noticed this little WordPress feature, but we assure you that you will love learning about it.  Let’s get started with today’s #WordPressWednesday Tip #8 – Using Screen Options!

WordPress Wednesday Tip #8 – Using Screen Options

  1. Log into your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Locate ‘Screen Options’ on the top right hand corner of the dashboard.WordPress Wednesday #8 - Using Screen Options
  3. Click on ‘Screen Options’  to view the additional options.
  4. Here on your dashboard, you can hide certain boxes based on the plugins you use in your WordPress site.WordPress Wednesday #8 - Using Screen Options
  5. Navigate to a new post.
  6. Notice your ‘Screen Options’ change? Here you change the column view, which blogging features to see, and if you are like us and use a builder, you can choose to hide it.  WordPress Wednesday #8 - Using Screen Options
  7. Click through your dashboard (Appearance, menus…) and notice the screen options really do give you additional options!

Were we right? Don’t you just love this WordPress feature? What could be better than totally customizing your WordPress experience?

By the way, if you haven’t seen our previous #WordPressWednesday Tips click below:

#WordPress Wednesday Tip #7 – How to Edit a Page
#WordPress Wednesday Tip #6 – Managing Comments
#WordPressWednesday Tip #5 – How to Edit Permalinks

#WordPressWednesday Tip #4 – How to Add Featured Images
#WordPressWednesday Tip #3: How to schedule posts

#WordPressWednesday Tip #2: How to add links in any post or page
#WordPressWednesday Tip #1: How to insert a picture into a post or page

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